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Friday, September 21, 2007

Chocolate and Tuxes

Grrr... it's already started, according to Andy. We're arguing over colors. Chris doesn't get that you can't just throw a color in there for use just because it matches if you're only going to use it once. It has to be a repeatable color. Grrr...
Also, my other gripe is that I've given up chocolate, which just happens to be what everyone is getting me loads of this week... I gave it up and Chris hasn't given up anything! It makes me very vexed that I feel like I'm puting so much into this and he isn't even though that was one of the things we talked about doing once we were engaged (giving up something like that). Also, that I ask him what he wants to do and he says he doesn't care about any of the wedding stuff, so I go full throttle into it and then come to a screeching halt when he decides he absolutely won't wear one of the colors I've chosed and neither will his groomsmen. He wants to wear something that doesn't go at all! Grrrr... boys. They just don't get it.